4 benefits from taking a little extra time to delight your customers

I recently finished reading Customer Experience 3.0: High-Profit Strategies in the Age of Techno Service by John A. Goodman.

I would like to share a snippet that I found simplistic yet so powerful. It’s a great reminder for all of us the benefit of taking a little extra time and care.

John suggests that a two minute investment in going over and beyond can give four benefits as below:

1.      Customers are delighted that the employee has taken extra time to assist and educate them

2.      The company benefits because the customer either gets extra value and feels less price sensitive or avoids a problem

3.      The employee feels good about going beyond the basic robotic transaction to add value for customers

4.      When staff members show expertise in the product area, customers believe that the company’s products must be the best because the employees are such experts

His research suggest that loyalty ratings can increase 10-30% indicated by evidence on surveys.

For anyone serious about improving customer experience, this book suggests loads of practical advice to get you well on your way.