Motivation Types - Which one are you using?

I would like to talk about three types of motivation that exist out there:

  • Fear motivation

  • Incentive motivation

  • Growth motivation

Which one do you subscribe to?


This is the least productive and the shortest lasting. It can be used to get what you want pretty quickly from others and yourself but the effect will wear off quickly. Using this kind of motivation on yourself is toxic, such as the fear of losing your job if you don’t do this or do that. It never works out well if you are in that solution, so rather than keep going, if you can, try to put yourself into a different job. Making threats or dishing out consequences becomes very unpopular very quickly and don’t be surprised if others say good bye to you forever!


Much better is the motivation of incentive. This will have a medium last effect and can keep people and yourself going for longer. An incentive could be extra money which people don’t generally say no to. Think of a bonus or a small pay rise. A problem with that is that it becomes an automation expectation over time and if it is not received that one time.. there is a feeling of loss and negativity. A 2% pay rise every year is not a long term strategy for keeping people going, never mind yourself.


The best in my opinion. This is longest lasting and most rewarding. This is the long term, having a vision and making changes in a more permanent way that should lead to a better future. This is a company giving employees providing courses to increase their skills or you or me making a decision to eat better than we have in the past because we want to permanently have a more healthier lifestyle. This is the motivation type that we should feed our own minds and others as often as we can.

So which types of motivation are you using?