There is no reward in finding fault - Zig Ziglar

I heard this listening to a video on YouTube today where Zig Ziglar talked about this.

I don't think I could drive home a point as important as this in your professional or personal life. Is there anything more contagious or detrimental then playing the blame game to either protect yourself or bring down others who you don't agree with?

I think the need to be right and feel right can be our downfall, even when we don’t have all the facts.

It’s a failure on our character.

And it’s not the failure we like, it’s not the failure that allows us to learn and grow.

The minute you blame someone or something, you lose all your power and control of the situation. Instead, have a discussion on how to help each other avoid this next time. Be nice and encouraging.

Think of the win/win scenario, just like Steven Covey suggested.

It's a must for us all. No business or relationship can last long if we blame each other when things go wrong.

Positivity breeds positivity.